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200ml boss : the scent
Merry Xmas
fredag 20 december 2019
onsdag 11 december 2019
Musikhjälpen 2019, ni är så bra !!!
Musikhjälpen 2019, ni är så bra.
Ni gör ett ett helqul jobb, och för en fin sak.
PS. Jag kollar på er varje år. Jag är ett fan.
Richard S
Ni gör ett ett helqul jobb, och för en fin sak.
PS. Jag kollar på er varje år. Jag är ett fan.
Richard S
söndag 8 december 2019
Neuropsychological and Electronic “No-Touch Torture”. The Spectrum of ‘Interrogation” and Torture Techniques Used by the US and its Allies The Executive Summary By Robert Duncan Global Research, June 08, 2015
Neuropsychological and Electronic “No-Touch Torture”. The Spectrum of ‘Interrogation” and Torture Techniques Used by the US and its Allies
The Executive Summary
Region: USA
Theme: Law and Justice

Torture is a horrific topic and most minds will turn away from it because it can’t be comprehended that humans can be motivated, or computer programs can be run to do this to other sentient beings. Just when we believed we were becoming more civilized as a culture, the technology for torture has advanced more than a hundred fold in recent decades.
This summary will get into ‘the minds of the dishonorable monsters’ of the psychology of torture. Those like Dick Cheney who helped authorize it under certain administrations and regimes of the U.S. government which have been proven to be criminal under U.S. law, treaties, and the International Criminal Court. There are many people involved in the conspiracy and cover-up including General Hayden.
The full report discloses the spectrum of techniques of interrogation and torture used by the U.S. and its allies. The United States government will officially deny the claims of this “no-touch torture report” but in time it will stand firm.
This report will not use skewed, misleading language such as “enhanced interrogation” to describe the torture techniques.
Why torture? The CIA claims it works. The assumption is that it works to gain actionable intelligence. Torture is often used for revenge, punishment, interrogation, and behavior modification. In other terms torture is used to remove the continuity of thought to confuse the target to reveal information, erase brain patterns such as values and beliefs, or to break down the human spirit to make them submit and obey their handlers.
The downside of torture is that the countries that do it lose “moral soft power” in world politics. Without due process, over 25% of those reported in the Senate Torture Report were declared innocent. Blowback is always a repercussion of torture. Torture often takes a long time to affect the target from months to years. Torture has shown to be unreliable except for getting false confessions and bad information but the U.S. and its allies are improving on their tactics and techniques.
The purpose of this report is to draw the parallels between physical torture techniques and no-touch torture methods used in secret by governments who possess the technologies that still go on today. This is a brief summary of offensive psychological and information warfare methods using traditional methods and modern cybernetic techniques while exploring hyper-game theory to walk the target to the desired path: leak intelligence, commit assassinations, or change beliefs.
Numerated Torture Methods for Interrogation and Behavior Modification
(A comparison between physical and no-touch torture tactics)
1. Induction of Depressive/Manic states
The idea is to shake up the emotional states of the target because different information can be accessed at each state. Making the target feel despair and helplessness is the objective. This cycle of hope building and then breaking is done in many ways. The techniques between the physical methods and the no-touch technological methods are similar. Speech is very important during this process of emotional manipulation. Such examples are, “We have imprisoned you without due processes or hope of it. You are indefinitely detained.” Hope building examples include, “Sorry. We have mistaken you for someone else. You will be compensated for false imprisonment and torture.” The main difference between the cybernetic technology and physical is that emotional state clusters can be entrained into the target mind which speeds up the process. The communication is done differently but perceived as human speech. In the no-touch torture methods it is helpful if the target is labeled with mental illness that is being created for discrediting purposes so as not to draw human rights groups’ attention.
2. Memory Erasure
The military and CIA have been researching memory erasing drugs for half a century. The focus of this summary report is on interrogation. Memory erasure is an important technique during interrogation. It is used in combination with sleep deprivation. There are many drugs that have been developed for physical memory erasure. One such interrogation method requires acquiring information from the target while on these drugs and recording the subject. After a sleeping cycle, the interrogator claims that the target has confessed. Of course the target remembers nothing of their conversation. The interrogator will play samples of the subject’s conversation back to them making the subject believe that the interrogator knows more than they do. Similar techniques are used in the wireless, no-touch torture and interrogation programs. The cybernetic methods of memory erasure have additional purposes. The memory erasure can be used on the cybernetic target to make the target believe people have broken in and moved their belongings. While physical black bag jobs do occur, it is a way to make the target more paranoid.
3. Electricity and Shocks
Pain and fear of death are common tactics during interrogation. Shocking by electricity is a traditional method of torture and exposed in the CIA’s secret prisons. Shocking the testicles and nipples are the most common due to their sensitivity. Interestingly, the thousand of interviews of no-touch torture involves “stings” and “shocks” to various parts of their bodies over long durations.
4. Fear and Terror
There are many techniques to induce extreme fear in the target. In physical renditions dogs, power drills, guns, insects, mutilation, blow torches, water boarding, suffocation, mock burials, and mock executions are just a few the United States government have used. Remember that many targets of torture die from the physical effects. It is torture to death.
Let us compare the no-touch torture methods used to inflict the same terror and mental anguish. In several of these techniques the target needs to hear their handler’s voice. This report does not describe the technologies used to broadcast voices to the target at a distance. While the subject can be broadcast mental images to their mind using hypnosis and other suggestions as well as visual entrainments, the more invasive controls of the brain manipulation technologies can be used to entrained the brain’s autonomic nervous systems such as not breathing causing the target to not be able to sleep from fear of suffocation equivalent to water boarding. The neural linguistic programming can add fears such as heart attack, stroke, and cancer threats.
Even motor cortex mapping can cause twitches in any part of the body. One example used a swift neck movement with a voice transmission, “We are trying to break your neck.” Directed energy effects such as Active Denial System can make the target feel that they are on fire indefinitely without the target dying from burns. Maximum pain and torture weapons have been evolving. Every drug effect can be artificially induced into the target mind including those of poisons.
5. Imprisonment and Isolation
Isolation is commonly used as punishment in prisons. Many whistleblowers like Bradley Manning suffer this condition. In soft interrogation it is used to get the target to talk to their interrogator since humans have the need for companionship. In no-touch torture the target is driven from their friends and family using different techniques in order to isolate them so that the electronic mind control has more effect on their psyche.
Like in Guantanamo, the target becomes isolated losing their job and medical care. Part of the method involves slander in their community. They end up on the most part in poverty and paranoid about doctors and other people from false correlations that are purposefully induced into their lives. Isolation is also a form of sensory deprivation which will be discussed later. Days and weeks lose their meaning.
6. Sexually Disturbing Tailored Pornography
The Summary of the Senate Torture Report disclosed the disgusting revelations that in the secret torture prisons the targets were forced to perform homosexual acts on each other against their will and religion in order not to be beaten or killed. This is a common break down tactic of belief systems and the human will. In no-touch torture the techniques are more psychologically specialized for each target. Most common examples include homosexual targets that are forced with voices that are derogatory to their lifestyle and similar mental images. Almost all targets are forced to view child pornography in their minds. And vice versa is true, that heterosexual targets are forced to view homosexual sexual acts like in the secret U.S. torture prisons.
7. Mutilation
Also mentioned in the declassified report on torture was mutilation of the human. Cutting the naked target’s penis and scrotum, pulling nails or teeth is common. In no-touch torture mutilation is done by trickery. Let us look at a couple examples. There have been several targets who believed that the microwave hearing effect and other voice induction methods were done by microchips implanted in their teeth or ears. They had all their teeth pulled because they believed it was a technology called bone conductance. Others have poked out their ear drums in the belief they had micro implants in their ears. There are many more examples of trickery used to make the targets mutilate themselves
8. Personal and Spiritual Defamation
In physical torture the CIA and other groups use propaganda and defamation of character for those they oppose. For detainees they try to disenfranchise the target from their religion. They will defecate on their Bible or Koran for example. They might say, “Why is your God not saving you?” In no touch torture and behavior modification they might try to make an atheist believe in god. It is just a mechanism to alter belief systems for control and experimentation. Perhaps the target may wish to confess their secrets to a “voice of god weapon”. Information warfare covers the gamut of electronic communication as well. The government training exercise uses language like “befriend”, “infiltrate”, “mask/mimic”, “ruse”, “set-up”, “disrupt”, “create cognitive stress”, “use deception”, “ruin business relationships”, and “post negative information on appropriate forums” – in a malicious effort to target bloggers, activists, journalists, social event organizers and anyone else deemed to be a ‘emerging leader’ or voice in the public sphere.
9. Psychological Intimidation
This is a topic for a target at the beginning of the trials and programs. Physical break-ins are common even if the target has an alarm system. The NSA has used stalking of foreign officials in the past for economic gain. The FBI does black bag jobs to invade a home without a warrant. The point is to let the target know they are being watched and to increase their paranoia. The NSA easily hacks all computer systems and causes harm to the victim’s intellectual property and their relationships from that endpoint. In the no touch torture false correlations between pain and a neighbor coming home can be induced.
10. Rape
Rape is a common practice in torture. It causes much psychological trauma. In the United States methods of rape in their military and CIA secret prisons it is often relabeled. It is commonly done by prods but “rectal rehydration” is the more common misnomer. Often they call it forced feeding through the rectum but it is meant to induce psychological scaring and trauma. Several have died from the technique due to rectal bleeding. In no-touch torture the psychological trauma of simulated rape takes on different forms. Using technique often called EEG-heterodyning the targets will receive molestation effects of their genitals. In men this can be the anus and genitals. Similarly women can be wirelessly raped by the analogous function of perception.
11. Dietary Manipulation, Forced Weakness and Sickness
The idea behind dietary manipulation is to weaken the target. This is easily done in a physical setting but in no-touch the hunger trigger needs to be suppressed. Sometimes a false correlation between eating food and sickness is induced to make the target believe they are being poisoned. However, poisoning is common in physical renditions too.
12. Repetition
Verbal breakdown is most important during interrogations and torture. Obviously speaking the language of the target is necessary. This is why there are interrogators in all languages. Repetition is an important neural linguistic programming interrogation tactic to influence the target mind. During the breakdown process, threats to kill and to torture the target’s family or friends are common. Repetitious questioning and breakdown phrases are automated in both the physical and no-touch versions of torture. An interesting technology that is used for no-touch torture is called chatter bots. Chatter bots, an artificial intelligence program, automate much of the repetition so that the interrogators don’t drive themselves crazy during the neural linguistic torture and programming phases. Let us not forget the Chinese Water Torture, a single drop of water on the forehead of the detainee for months. Repetition is a form of torture.
13. Sensitization of Pain Impulses
While the reverse can be obtained, optimizing perceived pain and misery is the objective in torture. Each trauma adds to the overall misery throughout life. Optimization of pain has been studied by the military and intelligence agencies. In the past the CIA has used drugs such as LSD to enhance fear and terror in the subject. Other methods such as hypnosis can increase perceived pain and the power of suggestion such as telling the subject his pinky finger is going to be cut off before it is done. In no-touch torture the same psychological manipulations are exerted. Subliminal and overt suggested are often told to the subject before the directed energy or EEG heterodyning pain inductions in order to maximize their effectiveness.
14. Sensory Overload and Deprivation
Again, this technique of overloading or depriving the human of sensory stimulus is ubiquitous in torture around the world not just in U.S. secret prisons. Torture subjects in the United States have reported the use of repetitive bad music and noise campaigns. An unusual torture technique used in the U.S. secret prisons was of a use of a plastic suit filled with ice while they beat the target. Ultra bright lights for days on end in the prison and hot/cold temperature changes in the environment are frequent. In no-touch torture, the target’s brain is forced to release dopamine which causes pupil dilatation. This acts as a sensory overload. For example the non-lethal microwave weapons research done by a professor in University of Nevada has shown this capability. Body metabolism can be altered with these weapons causing cold and hot flashes. Targets of no-touch torture often hear endless tinnitus.
15. Sexual Humiliation and Lack of Privacy
Often used in common prisons is a lack of privacy. It is both necessity for security and a form of sexual humiliation. Also in prison many people are raped. No-touch torture offers the same sexual humiliation and lack of privacy by using through wall radar, cameras, and EEG visual cloning to let the target know they are being watched. Degrading comments are often used on the no-touch torture subjects while they are naked or in the bathroom.
16. Maximum Sensory Pain Techniques
Basic torture involves brutalization, i.e. physical strikes, kicks in the groin, pepper spray or tear gas, etc. Anything that involves maximum pain is the objective. Amazingly, these same basic tortures can be done wirelessly into the human mind. All forms of sickness have been reported without any real illness behind the suffering. All suffering can be entrained into the minds of no-touch torture subjects.
17. Sleep Deprivation
This is the number one torture method along with the popularity in the press of water boarding. This is done in every country that uses torture. The United States is number one in torture since they are currently the world’s only superpower. A repetitive sleep deprivation cycle is generally done 180 hrs/7.5 days at a time in the physical renditions, or in no-touch torture five days awake and two days of sleep. Sleep deprivation accomplishes the objective of memory loss during interrogation and induces hallucinations which help with the interrogation process. In behavior modification and programming it is necessary too.
18. Stress Positions
Keeping detainees handcuffed above their head and to walls so that they must stand for days is a common ploy in torture. These types of poses are called stress positions. They can be mimicked in no-touch torture. An example of one such trick requires the target to believe they can deflect radar energy using pots or pans and that it is directional. The target is being given an ample amount of pain until their hands and arms are spread apart holding the pans trying to block the signals. They must maintain that position in order to get any relief from the torture signals. However the stress position itself is physical torture. Often accompanying this technique are voices saying to the target, “You are doing it to yourself.”
We will finish off this summary of U.S. and its allies’ torture, interrogation, and behavior modification experimentation with ideas of why they are done to the general public and falsely accused detainees. Anyone can be put into these programs. Justice and rule of law does not exist at the highest levels of government. Treaties are worthless because the #1 agreement in the rules of war, a ban against torture, is not obeyed. This creates a more brutal and barbaric society lead by example.
We will finish off this summary of U.S. and its allies’ torture, interrogation, and behavior modification experimentation with ideas of why they are done to the general public and falsely accused detainees. Anyone can be put into these programs. Justice and rule of law does not exist at the highest levels of government. Treaties are worthless because the #1 agreement in the rules of war, a ban against torture, is not obeyed. This creates a more brutal and barbaric society lead by example.
No-touch torture uses the same interrogation tactics as physical interrogations but with some new twists. Techniques such as “Jeff and Mutt” a.k.a. “Good Cop Bad Cop” are used. The bad cop tortures the target and the good cop tries to gain their trust. In mind control, trust games are commonly employed to manipulate the beliefs of the target. Creating hatred of groups through false correlations and deception is a common CIA method of trickery.
In the CIA programs, the target is put through these phases as written in the documentation, “Disorient and confuse the target. Use them for our purposes, and then dispose of them in any way possible.” We can only surmise by our sample set of a thousand people what “dispose” means: prison, suicide, or perhaps a mental hospital. Coercing and torturing people to suicide is very common. Both tactics in physical or no-touch torture involves plausible deniability.
The no-touch interrogations are better than physical rendition techniques for exposing support networks. Traditional NSA tracking of email and phones calls are useful but if the targets are taken into a secret prison they can’t contact their networks. In no-touch torture, the target will contact everyone who might help them. Then those relationships can be destroyed to isolate the target. All these techniques rely on the target having a fear of death and pain.
Deception is very important during interrogation. In physical interrogations the targets are often drugged. This creates the confusion necessary to pull off certain trickery. In terrorist interrogations, for example, the CIA uses fake newspapers to make the target believe whatever event they were suspected of plotting had already happened, obviously looking for a confession. Sometimes the government in charge of the torture is looking for a political gain through a false confession. None-the-less false flag operations are commonly used in both forms of torture and interrogation. The trick is to make the target believe another foreign country is doing it to them. In no-touch torture the trick is to make them believe someone related to them is behind their suffering.
Voice transformation and morphing is an interesting technology also used in both physical and wireless interrogations. It is a form of deception used against a target to trick them into believing that they are speaking to real people that they know. It has been used in war to trick generals. Obviously spoofing email and other identities on internet forums can be used in this manner too.
Finally, the topic of human experimentation for improving weapons, torture, interrogation, and social disruption methods will be breached. Most of the techniques mentioned above work most effectively if the target has no SERE training (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) or psychological understanding of the methods to influence the human mind. Unfortunately, every sample point in the world’s society needs to be studied to improve the weapons systems. This is why many random people are put into the torture and mind control experiments. There are some devious uses of a secret army of remote controlled assassins in every country in the world. The samples must include different education, language, culture, and economic factors. Obviously, silencing dissidents, oppositions of political parties, and whistleblowers are included in the lists of applications. The most disturbing of the trends in torture is testing and improving it. No-touch torture is much more complex than physical torture. Testing design flaws and weaknesses of the signal intelligence is one reason why it is necessary to test on innocent targets. Often the subject will be taunted by the statement, “Try to stop us.” This statement forces the torture subject to try to figure out shielding and jamming techniques to stop the wireless torture and helps the weapons designers to improve on the system.
However, the psychological and perceived physical pain is only half the story with no-touch torture. It also involves a set of scripts, mind games if you will, to walk the target to murder and/or suicide. This is called “Hyper Game Theory”. It is used in war games to determine how to control your enemies and targets. Game Theory can be used on governments, individuals, or for determining propaganda to alter cultures. The experiments on the public provide a means to test the efficacy of these scripts and determine under what circumstances to use them.
One last comment on why “We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex” as President Eisenhower warned. During these torture programs run by the United States and its allies, accurate “truth” data points need to be used to judge the efficiency of the interrogation methods. This is why there is a dispute between the CIA and Senate Intelligence Committee reports about the usefulness of torture. Subterfuge by the CIA hacking into the senate oversight committee’s computers is a big deal; a rogue agency has been formed. Data fusion centers, Homeland Security Data Fusion Centers, NSA, and FBI collect data on Americans. This data in turn is used during torture and interrogation of Americans in no-touch torture.
The original source of this article is Dr Robert Duncan
Copyright © Robert Duncan, Dr Robert Duncan, 2015
Articles by:Robert Duncan
fredag 6 december 2019
RAMBO Microchip utdrag
And now u know how a RAMBO Microchip looks like
Fig1 RFID part to RAMBO Microchip
Fig2 Enlargement of RFID part RAMBO Microchip
Fig3 CMOS MEMS CAMERA (eyechip) part RAMBO Microchip
och Mind Control förekommer även i Sverige
Microchip-implantat och Mind Control förekommer även i
Skrivet av med.dr Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde,
fd chefsläkare i Finland, 6 december 2000
Denna originalartikel finns publicerad i den 36 årgången av den finskspråkiga tidningen SPEKULA
Norbert Weiner publiserade år 1948 en bok "Cybernetics" och definierades som en neurologisk kommunikations- och kontrollteori som redan användes inom snäva cirklar vid den här tiden. Yoneji Masuda, "informationssamhällets fader" uttryckte sin oro år 1980 över att vår frihet är hotad på Orwellianskt sätt genom sybernetisk teknologi och totalt okänd för de flesta människor. Denna teknologi sammanlänkar människornas hjärnor via implanterade microchips med satelliter som kontrolleras med tillhjälp av på marken baserade superdatorer.
Det första hjärnimplantatet skedde 1974 i staten Ohio i USA, men också i Stockholm i Sverige. Hjärnelektroder sattes in i hjärnan på bebisar år 1946 utan att dess föräldrar kände till detta. Under 1950- och 60-talen satte man elektriska implantat i hjärnan hos människor och djur, speciellt i USA, för att undersöka beteendemodifikationer, och för att undersöka hjärnans och kroppens funktioner. Mind control (MC) metoder användes i ett försök att förändra det mänskliga beteendet och attityder. Att utöva kontroll över hjärnans funktioner blev ett av militärens och underrättelsetjänstens mål.
För trettio år sedan kunde man se dessa hjärnimplantat vid röntgentagningar och de hade då en storlek på 1 cm. Senare minskades dess storlek till storleken av ett risgryn. De tillverkades av silicon, senare även av gallium arsenid. Idag är de tillräckligt små för att sättas in i nacken eller i ryggen, men även intravenöst på olika ställen i kroppen under en operation. Idag är det i det närmaste omöjligt att upptäcka eller avlägsna dem.
Det är tekniskt möjligt för varje nyfödd babis att bli injicerad med ett sådan microchip, som sedan kunde fungera som identifiering av personen för resten av hans eller hennes liv. Sådana planer har man i största hemlighet diskuterat om i USA utan att man har hört med allmänheten om man ska lösa frågan om privatlivet.
I Sverige gav statsminister Olof Palme tillstånd år 1973 till att man satte in implantat hos fångar och Datainspektionens fd chef Jan Freese påstod att patienterna på åldringssjukhem hade blivit implanterade redan sedan mitten av 1980-talet. Tekniken finns beskriven i den svenska statsrapporten 1972:47 "Statens officiella Utredninger (SOU).
Människor som fått implantat kan följas vart som helst. Hjärnans funktioner kan styras av superdatorer och de kan även ändra dess frekvens. Som försökskaniner i hemliga experiment har man använt sig av fångar, soldater, mentalpatienter, handikappade barn, döva och blinda, homosexuella, ensamstående kvinnor, åldringar, skolbarn, och varje grupp betecknas som "marginell" av dessa elitens forskare. Publiceringen av uppgifter om att man använt sig av fångar från Utah statsfängelse, till exempel, har varit chockerande.
Dagens microchipsimplantat är idag lågfrekventa radiovågor som träffar dem. Med hjälp av satelliter kan den implanterade människan upptäckas var han/hon än befinner sig i världen. Sådan teknik använde man sig bland annat i Irakkriget, och enligt dr Carl Sanders, som inventerade den som gjord för underrättelsetjänstens ingripande (IMI) har dessa injicerats i människor. (Tidigare under Vietnamkriget, injicerades soldaterna med ett Rambo chip, vilket hade till uppgift att minska på adrenalintillförseln i blodomloppet). Denna 20 miljarder bits/sek superdator som finns vid USAs National Security Agency (NSA) kunde nu "se och höra" vad soldaterna upplevde på slagfältet med ett mottagningssystem (RMS).
När ett 5 micromillimeter stort chip (diametern för ett hårstrå är 50 micromillimeter) placeras i ögats synnerv, registrerar det nervimpulser från den del av hjärnan som är centrum för lukt, syn och röst hos en implanterad person. När man väl en gång blivit överförd och sparad på en dator, kan dessa neuroimpulser riktas tillbaka till människans hjärna via det microchip som finns. Om man använder sig av en landbaserad dator (RMS) kan man sända elektromagnetiska budskap (kodade som signaler) till nervsystemet och påverka dess mål. Med sådana RMS chips kan friska personer fås att se hallusinationer och höra röster inne i sitt huvud.
Varje tanke, reaktion, hörsel och visuell observation förorsakar ett antal neurologiska potential. Man kan nu genom elektromagnetiska fält styra tankar, bilder och röster. Stimulering med elektromagnetism kan därför förändra en persons hjärnvågor och förorsaka muskulär aktivitet genom att förorsaka smärtsamma muskelkramper i avsikt att utföra tortyr.
NSAs elektroniska system kan simultant följa och behandla miljontals människor. Var och en av oss har en unik bioelektrisk resonansfrekvens i hjärnan på samma sätt som vi alla har unika fingeravtryck. Med elektromagnetisk frekvens (EMF) kan hjärnan kodas helt, genom att man sänder in elektromagnetiska signaler till hjärnan och får det att låta som röster eller synvillor hos den det berör. Det här är en form av krigsföring. USAs astronauter blev implanterade innan de sändes upp i rymden så att deras tankar kunde följas och deras känslor kunde registreras dygnet runt.
The Washington Post rapporterade i maj 1995 att prins William av Storbritannien hade fått ett implantat vid 12 års ålder. Ifall att han skulle bli kidnappad, kunde radiovågor på en speciell våglängd träffa hans microchip. Dessa signaler från microchippet kunde sedan sändas genom en satellit till en dataskärm hos polishögkvarteret där man kunde följa prinsens alla rörelser. Han kan därför lokaliseras varsomhelst på jordklotet.
Massmedierna har inte rapporterat om att en persons privatliv förstörs för resten av hans eller hennes liv med ett implantat. Han/hon kan manipuleras på många olika sätt. Genom att använda sig av olika frekvenser, kan den hemliga kontrollanten förändra personens känsloliv. Han/hon kan göras aggressiv eller passiv. Sexualiteten kan påverkas.
Man kan alltså tillverka en verklig rymdsoldat. Denna hemliga teknologi har använts av militaren speciellt inom NATO-länderna sedan 1980-talet utan att varken vanliga människor eller akademiken har hört talas om detta.
NSAs underrättelsesignalgrupp kan ta emot information från mänskliga hjärnor genom att gå in på 3,50HZ, 5 milliwatt. Experiment på fångar har gjorts i Göteborg i Sverige och i Wien i Österrike. På initiativ av USAs senator John Glenn har man diskuterat i januari 1997 om faran med att utsätta allmänheten för olika strålningar. Genom att angripa människors hjärnfunktioner genom elektromagnetiska fält och strömningar (från helikoptrar och flygplan, satelliter, från parkerade paketbilar, från närliggande hus, telefonstolpar, elektriska trådar, mobiltelefoner, TV, radio etc) utgör dessa ett strålningsproblem som borde hänskjutas till de i demokratisk ordning valda regeringsmedlemmarnas kroppar.
Förutom detta elektroniska MC har man även utvecklat kemiska metoder. Sinnesförändrande droger och olika luktande gaser kan inverka negativt på hjärnans funktion. Sådana ämnen kan lätt sprutas ut i luften i tunnlar eller i vattenrör. Bakterier och virus har också testats på det här sättet i flera länder.
Är vi redo för att robotisera en hel mänsklighet och fullständigt eliminera deras privatliv, inklusive frihet att tänka? Hur många av oss vill bli inkräktade i våra privatliv, där även våra allra hemligaste tankar kunde utläsas av Big Brother? Idag finns teknologin för att man ska kunna införa en totalitär Ny Världsordning. När våra hjärnfunktioner redan är sammankopplade med superdatorer, då är det redan för sent att protestera. Denna behandling kan endast undvikas genom att man upplyser allmänheten, använder sig av tillgänglig litteratur och biotelemtri och information som byts vid internationella kongresser.
Skrivet av med.dr Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde,
fd chefsläkare i Finland, 6 december 2000
Denna originalartikel finns publicerad i den 36 årgången av den finskspråkiga tidningen SPEKULA
Norbert Weiner publiserade år 1948 en bok "Cybernetics" och definierades som en neurologisk kommunikations- och kontrollteori som redan användes inom snäva cirklar vid den här tiden. Yoneji Masuda, "informationssamhällets fader" uttryckte sin oro år 1980 över att vår frihet är hotad på Orwellianskt sätt genom sybernetisk teknologi och totalt okänd för de flesta människor. Denna teknologi sammanlänkar människornas hjärnor via implanterade microchips med satelliter som kontrolleras med tillhjälp av på marken baserade superdatorer.
Det första hjärnimplantatet skedde 1974 i staten Ohio i USA, men också i Stockholm i Sverige. Hjärnelektroder sattes in i hjärnan på bebisar år 1946 utan att dess föräldrar kände till detta. Under 1950- och 60-talen satte man elektriska implantat i hjärnan hos människor och djur, speciellt i USA, för att undersöka beteendemodifikationer, och för att undersöka hjärnans och kroppens funktioner. Mind control (MC) metoder användes i ett försök att förändra det mänskliga beteendet och attityder. Att utöva kontroll över hjärnans funktioner blev ett av militärens och underrättelsetjänstens mål.
För trettio år sedan kunde man se dessa hjärnimplantat vid röntgentagningar och de hade då en storlek på 1 cm. Senare minskades dess storlek till storleken av ett risgryn. De tillverkades av silicon, senare även av gallium arsenid. Idag är de tillräckligt små för att sättas in i nacken eller i ryggen, men även intravenöst på olika ställen i kroppen under en operation. Idag är det i det närmaste omöjligt att upptäcka eller avlägsna dem.
Det är tekniskt möjligt för varje nyfödd babis att bli injicerad med ett sådan microchip, som sedan kunde fungera som identifiering av personen för resten av hans eller hennes liv. Sådana planer har man i största hemlighet diskuterat om i USA utan att man har hört med allmänheten om man ska lösa frågan om privatlivet.
I Sverige gav statsminister Olof Palme tillstånd år 1973 till att man satte in implantat hos fångar och Datainspektionens fd chef Jan Freese påstod att patienterna på åldringssjukhem hade blivit implanterade redan sedan mitten av 1980-talet. Tekniken finns beskriven i den svenska statsrapporten 1972:47 "Statens officiella Utredninger (SOU).
Människor som fått implantat kan följas vart som helst. Hjärnans funktioner kan styras av superdatorer och de kan även ändra dess frekvens. Som försökskaniner i hemliga experiment har man använt sig av fångar, soldater, mentalpatienter, handikappade barn, döva och blinda, homosexuella, ensamstående kvinnor, åldringar, skolbarn, och varje grupp betecknas som "marginell" av dessa elitens forskare. Publiceringen av uppgifter om att man använt sig av fångar från Utah statsfängelse, till exempel, har varit chockerande.
Dagens microchipsimplantat är idag lågfrekventa radiovågor som träffar dem. Med hjälp av satelliter kan den implanterade människan upptäckas var han/hon än befinner sig i världen. Sådan teknik använde man sig bland annat i Irakkriget, och enligt dr Carl Sanders, som inventerade den som gjord för underrättelsetjänstens ingripande (IMI) har dessa injicerats i människor. (Tidigare under Vietnamkriget, injicerades soldaterna med ett Rambo chip, vilket hade till uppgift att minska på adrenalintillförseln i blodomloppet). Denna 20 miljarder bits/sek superdator som finns vid USAs National Security Agency (NSA) kunde nu "se och höra" vad soldaterna upplevde på slagfältet med ett mottagningssystem (RMS).
När ett 5 micromillimeter stort chip (diametern för ett hårstrå är 50 micromillimeter) placeras i ögats synnerv, registrerar det nervimpulser från den del av hjärnan som är centrum för lukt, syn och röst hos en implanterad person. När man väl en gång blivit överförd och sparad på en dator, kan dessa neuroimpulser riktas tillbaka till människans hjärna via det microchip som finns. Om man använder sig av en landbaserad dator (RMS) kan man sända elektromagnetiska budskap (kodade som signaler) till nervsystemet och påverka dess mål. Med sådana RMS chips kan friska personer fås att se hallusinationer och höra röster inne i sitt huvud.
Varje tanke, reaktion, hörsel och visuell observation förorsakar ett antal neurologiska potential. Man kan nu genom elektromagnetiska fält styra tankar, bilder och röster. Stimulering med elektromagnetism kan därför förändra en persons hjärnvågor och förorsaka muskulär aktivitet genom att förorsaka smärtsamma muskelkramper i avsikt att utföra tortyr.
NSAs elektroniska system kan simultant följa och behandla miljontals människor. Var och en av oss har en unik bioelektrisk resonansfrekvens i hjärnan på samma sätt som vi alla har unika fingeravtryck. Med elektromagnetisk frekvens (EMF) kan hjärnan kodas helt, genom att man sänder in elektromagnetiska signaler till hjärnan och får det att låta som röster eller synvillor hos den det berör. Det här är en form av krigsföring. USAs astronauter blev implanterade innan de sändes upp i rymden så att deras tankar kunde följas och deras känslor kunde registreras dygnet runt.
The Washington Post rapporterade i maj 1995 att prins William av Storbritannien hade fått ett implantat vid 12 års ålder. Ifall att han skulle bli kidnappad, kunde radiovågor på en speciell våglängd träffa hans microchip. Dessa signaler från microchippet kunde sedan sändas genom en satellit till en dataskärm hos polishögkvarteret där man kunde följa prinsens alla rörelser. Han kan därför lokaliseras varsomhelst på jordklotet.
Massmedierna har inte rapporterat om att en persons privatliv förstörs för resten av hans eller hennes liv med ett implantat. Han/hon kan manipuleras på många olika sätt. Genom att använda sig av olika frekvenser, kan den hemliga kontrollanten förändra personens känsloliv. Han/hon kan göras aggressiv eller passiv. Sexualiteten kan påverkas.
Man kan alltså tillverka en verklig rymdsoldat. Denna hemliga teknologi har använts av militaren speciellt inom NATO-länderna sedan 1980-talet utan att varken vanliga människor eller akademiken har hört talas om detta.
NSAs underrättelsesignalgrupp kan ta emot information från mänskliga hjärnor genom att gå in på 3,50HZ, 5 milliwatt. Experiment på fångar har gjorts i Göteborg i Sverige och i Wien i Österrike. På initiativ av USAs senator John Glenn har man diskuterat i januari 1997 om faran med att utsätta allmänheten för olika strålningar. Genom att angripa människors hjärnfunktioner genom elektromagnetiska fält och strömningar (från helikoptrar och flygplan, satelliter, från parkerade paketbilar, från närliggande hus, telefonstolpar, elektriska trådar, mobiltelefoner, TV, radio etc) utgör dessa ett strålningsproblem som borde hänskjutas till de i demokratisk ordning valda regeringsmedlemmarnas kroppar.
Förutom detta elektroniska MC har man även utvecklat kemiska metoder. Sinnesförändrande droger och olika luktande gaser kan inverka negativt på hjärnans funktion. Sådana ämnen kan lätt sprutas ut i luften i tunnlar eller i vattenrör. Bakterier och virus har också testats på det här sättet i flera länder.
Är vi redo för att robotisera en hel mänsklighet och fullständigt eliminera deras privatliv, inklusive frihet att tänka? Hur många av oss vill bli inkräktade i våra privatliv, där även våra allra hemligaste tankar kunde utläsas av Big Brother? Idag finns teknologin för att man ska kunna införa en totalitär Ny Världsordning. När våra hjärnfunktioner redan är sammankopplade med superdatorer, då är det redan för sent att protestera. Denna behandling kan endast undvikas genom att man upplyser allmänheten, använder sig av tillgänglig litteratur och biotelemtri och information som byts vid internationella kongresser.
Microchip Implants, Mind
Control and Cybernetics
Stanley Milgram - " ... after Prof. Milgram it has ...
Stanley Milgram - " ... after Prof. Milgram it has ...
Microchip Implants, Mind Control and Cybernetics
18th December

By Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD
Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland
December 6, 2000
In 1948 Norbert Weiner published a book, Cybernetics, defined as a neurological communication and control theory already in use in small circles at that time. Yoneji Masuda, “Father of the Information Society,” stated his concern in 1980 that our liberty is threatened Orwellian-style by cybernetic technology totally unknown to most people. This technology links the brains of people via implanted microchips to satellites controlled by ground-based supercomputers.
The first brain implants were surgically inserted in 1974 in the state of Ohio, USA and also in Stockholm, Sweden. Brain electrodes were inserted into the skulls of babies in 1946 without the knowledge of their parents. In the 1950s and 60s, electrical implants were inserted into the brains of animals and humans, especially in the U.S., during research into behavior modification, and brain and body functioning. Mind control (MC) methods were used in attempts to change human behavior and attitudes. Influencing brain functions became an important goal of military and intelligence services.
Thirty years ago brain implants showed up in X-rays the size of one centimeter. Subsequent implants shrunk to the size of a grain of rice. They were made of silicon, later still of gallium arsenide. Today they are small enough to be inserted into the neck or back, and also intravenously in different parts of the body during surgical operations, with or without the consent of the subject. It is now almost impossible to detect or remove them.
It is technically possible for every newborn to be injected with a microchip, which could then function to identify the person for the rest of his or her life. Such plans are secretly being discussed in the U.S. without any public airing of the privacy issues involved. In Sweden, Prime Minister Olof Palme gave permission in 1973 to implant prisoners, and Data Inspection’s ex-Director General Jan Freese revealed that nursing-home patients were implanted in the mid-1980s. The technology is revealed in the 1972:47 Swedish state report, Statens Officiella Utradninger (SOU).
Implanted human beings can be followed anywhere. Their brain functions can be remotely monitored by supercomputers and even altered through the changing of frequencies. Guinea pigs in secret experiments have included prisoners, soldiers, mental patients, handicapped children, deaf and blind people, homosexuals, single women, the elderly, school children, and any group of people considered “marginal” by the elite experimenters. The published experiences of prisoners in Utah State Prison, for example, are shocking to the conscience.
Today’s microchips operate by means of low-frequency radio waves that target them. With the help of satellites, the implanted person can be tracked anywhere on the globe. Such a technique was among a number tested in the Iraq war, according to Dr. Carl Sanders, who invented the intelligence-manned interface (IMI) biotic, which is injected into people. (Earlier during the Vietnam War, soldiers were injected with the Rambo chip, designed to increase adrenaline flow into the bloodstream.) The 20-billion-bit/second supercomputers at the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) could now “see and hear” what soldiers experience in the battlefield with a remote monitoring system (RMS).
When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillimeters) is placed into optical nerve of the eye, it draws neuroimpulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights, and voice of the implanted person. Once transferred and stored in a computer, these neuroimpulses can be projected back to the person’s brain via the microchip to be reexperienced. Using a RMS, a land-based computer operator can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to the nervous system, affecting the target’s performance. With RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads.
Every thought, reaction, hearing, and visual observation causes a certain neurological potential, spikes, and patterns in the brain and its electromagnetic fields, which can now be decoded into thoughts, pictures, and voices. Electromagnetic stimulation can therefore change a person’s brainwaves and affect muscular activity, causing painful muscular cramps experienced as torture.
The NSA’s electronic surveillance system can simultaneously follow and handle millions of people. Each of us has a unique bioelectrical resonance frequency in the brain, just as we have unique fingerprints. With electromagnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation fully coded, pulsating electromagnetic signals can be sent to the brain, causing the desired voice and visual effects to be experienced by the target. This is a form of electronic warfare. U.S. astronauts were implanted before they were sent into space so their thoughts could be followed and all their emotions could be registered 24 hours a day.
The Washington Post reported in May 1995 that Prince William of Great Britain was implanted at the age of 12. Thus, if he were ever kidnapped, a radio wave with a specific frequency could be targeted to his microchip. The chip’s signal would be routed through a satellite to the computer screen of police headquarters, where the Prince’s movements could be followed. He could actually be located anywhere on the globe.
The mass media has not reported that an implanted person’s privacy vanishes for the rest of his or her life. S/he can be manipulated in many ways. Using different frequencies, the secret controller of this equipment can even change a person’s emotional life. S/he can be made aggressive or lethargic. Sexuality can be artificially influenced. Thought signals and subconscious thinking can be read, dreams affected and even induced, all without the knowledge or consent of the implanted person.
A perfect cyber-soldier can thus be created. This secret technology has been used by military forces in certain NATO countries since the 1980s without civilian and academic populations having heard anything about it. Thus, little information about such invasive mind-control systems is available in professional and academic journals.
The NSA’s Signals Intelligence group can remotely monitor information from human brains by decoding the evoked potentials (3.50HZ, 5 milliwatt) emitted by the brain. Prisoner experimentees in both Gothenburg, Sweden and Vienna, Austria have been found to have evident brain lesions. Diminished blood circulation and lack of oxygen in the right temporal frontal lobes result where brain implants are usually operative. A Finnish experimentee experienced brain atrophy and intermittent attacks of unconsciousness due to lack of oxygen.
Mind control techniques can be used for political purposes. The goal of mind controllers today is to induce the targeted persons or groups to act against his or her own convictions and best interests. Zombified individuals can even be programmed to murder and remember nothing of their crime afterward. Alarming examples of this phenomenon can be found in the U.S.
This “silent war” is being conducted against unknowing civilians and soldiers by military and intelligence agencies. Since 1980, electronic stimulation of the brain (ESB) has been secretly used to control people targeted without their knowledge or consent. All international human rights agreements forbid nonconsensual manipulation of human beings — even in prisons, not to speak of civilian populations.
Under an initiative of U.S. Senator John Glenn, discussions commenced in January 1997 about the dangers of radiating civilian populations. Targeting people’s brain functions with electromagnetic fields and beams (from helicopters and airplanes, satellites, from parked vans, neighboring houses, telephone poles, electrical appliances, mobile phones, TV, radio, etc.) is part of the radiation problem that should be addressed in democratically elected government bodies.
In addition to electronic MC, chemical methods have also been developed. Mind-altering drugs and different smelling gasses affecting brain function negatively can be injected into air ducts or water pipes. Bacteria and viruses have also been tested this way in several countries.
Today’s supertechnology, connecting our brain functions via microchips (or even without them, according to the latest technology) to computers via satellites in the U.S. or Israel, poses the gravest threat to humanity. The latest supercomputers are powerful enough to monitor the whole world’s population. What will happen when people are tempted by false premises to allow microchips into their bodies? One lure will be a microchip identity card. Compulsory legislation has even been secretly proposed in the U.S. to criminalize removal of an ID implant.
Are we ready for the robotization of mankind and the total elimination of privacy, including freedom of thought? How many of us would want to cede our entire life, including our most secret thoughts, to Big Brother? Yet the technology exists to create a totalitarian New World Order. Covert neurological communication systems are in place to counteract independent thinking and to control social and political activity on behalf of self-serving private and military interests.
When our brain functions are already connected to supercomputers by means of radio implants and microchips, it will be too late for protest. This threat can be defeated only by educating the public, using available literature on biotelemetry and information exchanged at international congresses.
One reason this technology has remained a state secret is the widespread prestige of the psychiatric Diagnostic Statistical Manual IV produced by the U.S. American Psychiatric Association (APA) and printed in 18 languages. Psychiatrists working for U.S. intelligence agencies no doubt participated in writing and revising this manual. This psychiatric “bible” covers up the secret development of MC technologies by labeling some of their effects as symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia.
Victims of mind control experimentation are thus routinely diagnosed, knee-jerk fashion, as mentally ill by doctors who learned the DSM “symptom” list in medical school. Physicians have not been schooled that patients may be telling the truth when they report being targeted against their will or being used as guinea pigs for electronic, chemical and bacteriological forms of psychological warfare.
Time is running out for changing the direction of military medicine, and ensuring the future of human freedom.
This article was originally published in the 36th-year edition of the Finnish-language journal SPEKULA (3rd Quarter, 1999). SPEKULA (circulation 6500) is a publication of Northern Finland medical students and doctors of Oulu University OLK (Oulun Laaketieteellinen Kilta). It is mailed to all medical students of Finland and all Northern Finland medical doctors.
The Mark of the Beast
and Implanted Microchip Technology
The Mark of the Beast
and Implanted Microchip Technology
by Dr. Carl W. Sanders, chip inventor
Dr Carl W. Sanders is
an electronics engineer, inventor, author and consultant to various government
organizations as well as IBM, General Electric, Honeywell and Teledyne. He is
also a winner of the Presidents and Governors Award for Design Excellence. Here
he explains the microchip in his own words.
"Thirty two years of my life was spent in
design engineering and electronics designing microchips in the Bio-Med field.
In 1968 I became involved, almost by accident, in a research and development
project in regard to a spinal bypass for a young lady who had severed her spine.
They were looking at possibly being able to connect motor nerves etc. It was a
project we were all excited about. There were 100 people involved and I was
senior engineer in charge of the project. This project culminated in the
microchip that we talk about now a - microchip that I believe is going to be
the positive identification and mark of the beast. This microchip is recharged
by body temperature changes. Obviously you can't go in and have your battery
changed every so often, so the microchip has a recharging circuit that charges
based upon the body temperature changes. Over one and a half million dollars
was spent finding out that the two places in the body that the temperature
changes the most rapidly are in the forehead (primary position), right below
the hairline, and the back of the hand (alternative position). Working on the
microchip, we had no idea about it ever being an identification chip. We looked
at it as being a very humanitarian thing to do. We were all excited about what
we were doing. We were doing high-level integration for the very first time.
This team was made up of people out of San Jose, people from Motorola, General
Electric, Boston Medical Center - it was quite a group of people. My
responsibility had to do with the design of the chip itself, not the medical
side of if. As the chip came to evolve, there came a time in the project when
they said that the financial return on bypassing severed spines is not a very
lucrative thing for us to be into, so we really need to look at some other
areas. We noticed that the frequency of the chip had a great effect upon
behavior and so we began to branch off and look possibly at behavior
modification. The project almost turned into electronic acupuncture because
what they ended up with was embedding the microchip to put out a signal which
effected certain areas. They were able to determine that you could cause
behavioral change. One of the projects was called the Phoenix project which had
to do with Vietnam veterans. We had a chip that was called the Rambo chip. This
chip would actually cause extra adrenaline flow. I wonder how many people know
that if you can stop the output of the the pituitary gland (the signal from the
pituitary gland that causes estrogen flow), you can put a person into instant
menopause and there is no conception. This was tested in India and other
different parts of the world. So here you have got a birth control tool, based
on a microchip. Microchips can also be used for migraine headaches, behavior
modification, upper/downer, sexual stimulant and sexual depressant. This is
nothing more than electronic acupuncture, folks. There are 250,000 components
in the microchip, including a tiny lithium battery. I fought them over using
lithium as a battery source but NASA was doing a lot with lithium at that time
and it was the going thing. I had talked to a doctor at the Boston Medical
Center about what that concentration of lithium in the body could do if the
chip broke down. He said that you would get boils or a grievous sore. As the
development moved along, I left the project and came back as a consultant
several times. I was used in many meetings as an expert witness in regard to
the uses of the microchip. I was in one meeting where it was discussed. How can
you control a people if you can't identify them?" All of a sudden the idea
came: "Lets make them aware of lost children, etc." This was
discussed in meetings almost like people were cattle. As we developed this
microchip, as the identification chip became the focal point, there were
several things that were wanted. They wanted a name, a Digitized Image (picture
of your face), Social security number with the international digits on it,
finger print identification, physical description, family history, address,
occupation, income tax information and criminal record. I've been in 17
"one world" meetings where this has been discussed, meetings in
Brussels, Luxembourg, tying together the finances of the world. Just recently
in the newspapers they've talked about the Health Care Program, the "Womb
to Tomb" identification! A positive identification. There are bills before
congress right now that will allow them to inject a microchip in your child at
the time of birth for identification purposes. The president of the United States
of America, under the "Emigration of Control Act of 1996", Section
100, has the authority to deem whatever type of identification is necessary -
whether it be an invisible tattoo or electronic media under the skin. So I
think you have to look at the facts, folks: this is not coming as some big
shock. The paving has been done ahead of time."
Dr Carl W. Sanders
Dr Carl W. Sanders
Dr. Carl Sanders, Microchip
Dr. Carl Sanders,
Microchip Inventor
Dr. Carl Sanders, Microchip Inventor, Headed Project in 1968 to
Develop an Implantable Chip.
In a joint venture, General Electric, Motorola and the US
government worked on a project to create an implantable chip that would
positively locate anyone who wears it.
Dr. Carl Sanders led the project of over a hundred scientists
and their initial mission was to create a microchip that could adjust or change
bodily functions.
Sanders, the microchip inventor, and his team came up with the
Rambo chip that controlled the flow of adrenaline in the body.
Another chip they developed produced electricity within the body
but then the project goals changed.
Sanders met with Henry Kissinger and the architects of the New
World Order dozens of times in order to construct an identification chip.
Sanders claimed this group was absolutely desperate to control
the billions of people in the world.
It took twenty years but the group did create a chip so small
that it easily passes through a hypodermic needle.
'In the economic-technological field, some international
cooperation has already been achieved, but further progress will require
greater American sacrifices. More intensive efforts to shape a new world
monetary structure will have to be undertaken, with some consequent risk to the
present relatively favorable American position.'
- Zbigniew Brzezinski, CFR member and founding member of the Trilateral Commission, and National Security Advisor to five presidents
- Zbigniew Brzezinski, CFR member and founding member of the Trilateral Commission, and National Security Advisor to five presidents
Sanders, known as the microchip inventor whose chip is now
called the Mark of the Beast, designed the chip to be powered by a tiny lithium
battery that could be recharged with body heat.
However, a bad side effect of the chip is that if it breaks down
the lithium will leak into the bottom and cause a horrible sore at the
implantation site.
Realizing now that he made a big mistake Sanders spends his time
talking to anyone who will listen about how wrong he was to have taken part in
this project… and he tells the world about the insidious plans of the global
Dr. Sanders has even found religion and has made some astounding
correlations with the Book of Revelations and the RFID chip.
Even if you are not religious, Sander’s knowledge about the
inner workings of the global elite are amazing and quite informative. He paints
a clear picture of just how dangerous our future is.
In no uncertain terms, this microchip inventor discusses why we
should not take the RFID chip even if it becomes mandatory. He believes there
are positive alternatives. One of which is to stand up and demand that all chip
implantations be stopped.
At a time when newborns and children are being chipped without
parental consent and our freedoms and our families are at serious risk, we need
to rise up and protest the use of RFID chips… which can cause cancer and can
control the mind.
It is important to take Dr. Sanders seriously when he says this
was a horrible mistake and not be lulled into taking the chip out of concern
for security or for mere convenience.
By taking the chip we not only lose our identity but our minds
as well.
Microchip Mind Control,
Implants And Cybernetics Actual 1974 Congressional Testimony of Dr. Jose
Microchip Mind Control,
Implants And Cybernetics
Actual 1974 Congressional Testimony of Dr. Jose Delgado -
"We need a program of PSYCHOSURGERY for POLITICAL CONTROL of our
society. The purpose is PHISICAL CONTROL OF THE MIND. Everyone who deviates
from the given norm can be SURGICALLY MUTILATED.
"The individual may think that the most important reality is his own
existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical
"Man does NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to develop his own mind. This kind of
liberal orientation has great appeal. We must ELECTRICALLY CONTROL THE BRAIN.
Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of
the brain."
Dr. Jose M.R. Delgado Director of Neuropsychiatry Yale University Medical
School Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118 February 24, 1974
The following article was originally published in the 36th-year edition
of the Finnish-language journal, SPEKULA (3rd Quarter, 1999). SPEKULA is a
publication of Northern Finland medical students and doctors of Oulu
By Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland
In 1948 Norbert Weiner published a book, CYBERNETICS, defined as a
neurological communication and control theory already in use in small circles
at that time. Yoneji Masuda, "Father of Information Society,"
stated his concern in 1980 that our liberty is threatened Orwellian-style by
cybernetic technology totally unknown to most people. This technology links
the brains of people via implanted microchips to satellites controlled by
ground-based super-computers.
The first brain implants were surgically inserted in 1874 in the state of
Ohio, U.S.A., and also in Stockholm, Sweden. Brain electrodes were inserted
into the skulls of babies in 1946 without the knowledge of their parents. In
the 50's and 60's, electrical implants were inserted into the brains of
animals and humans, especially in the U.S., during research into behavior
modification, and brain and body functioning. Mind control (MC) methods were
used in attempt to change human behavior and attitudes. Influencing brain
functions became an important goal of military and intelligence services.
Thirty years ago brain implants showed up in xrays the size of one
centimeter. Subsequent implants shrunk to the size of a grain of rice. They
were made of silicon, later still of gallium arsenide. Today they are small
enough to be inserted into the neck or back, and also intraven-ously in
different parts of the body during surgical operations, with or without the
consent of the subject. It is now almost impossible to detect or remove them.
It is technically possible for every newborn to be injected with a
micro-chip, which could then function to identify the person for the rest of
his or her life. Such plans are secretly being discussed in the U.S. without
any public airing of the privacy issues involved. In Sweden, Prime Minister
Olof Palme gave permission in 1973 to implant prisoners, and Data
Inspection's ex-Director General Jan Freese revealed that nursing-home
patients were implanted in the mid- 1980's. The technology is revealed in the
1972:47 Swedish state report, STATENS OFFICIELLA UTRADNINGER (SOU).
Implanted human beings can be followed anywhere. Their brain functions
can then be remotely monitored by supercomputers and even altered through the
changing of frequencies. Guinea-pigs in secret experiments have in-cluded
prisoners, soldiers, mental patients, handicapped children, deaf and blind
people, homosexuals, single women, the elderly, school children and any group
of people considered "marginal" by the elite experimenters. The
published experiences of prisoners in Utah State Prison, for example, are
shocking to the conscience.
Today's microchips operate by means of low-frequency radio waves that
target them. With the help of satellites, the implanted person can be tracked
anywhere on the globe. Such a technique was among a number tested in the Iraq
war, according to Dr. Carl Sanders, who invented the intell-igence-manned
interface (IMI) biotic, which is injected into people. (Earlier during the
Vietnam War, soldiers were injected with the Rambo chip, designed to increase
adrenaline flow into the bloodstream.) The U.S. National Security Agency's
(NSA) 20 billion bits/second supercomputers could now "see and
hear" what soldiers experience in the battlefield with a remote
monitoring system (RMS).
When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the diameter of a strand of hair is
50 micromillometers) is placed into optical nerve of the eye, it draws
neuroimpulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights and
voice of the implanted person. Once transferred and stored in a computer,
these neuroimpulses can be projected back to the person's brain via the
microchip to be re-experienced. Using a RMS, a land-based computer operator
can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to the nervous system,
affecting the target's performance. With RMS, healthy persons can be induced
to see hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads.
Every thought, reaction, hearing and visual observation causes a certain
neurological potential, spikes, and patterns in the brain and its elect-
romagnetic fields, which can now be decoded into thoughts, pictures and
voices. Electromagnetic stimulation can therefore change a person's
brainwaves and affect muscular activity, causing painful muscular cramps
experienced as torture.
The NSA's electronic surveillance system can simultaneously follow and
handle millions of people. Each of us has a unique bioelectrical reson- ance
frequency in the brain, just like we have unique fingerprints. With
electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation fully coded, pulsating
electromagnetic signals can be sent to the brain, causing the desired voice
and visual effects to be experienced by the target. This is a form of
electronic warfare. U.S. astronauts were implanted before they were sent into
space so their thoughts could be followed and all their emotions could be
registered 24 hours a day.
The Washington Post reported in in May 1995 that Prince William of Great
Britain was implanted at the age of 12. Thus, if he were ever kidnapped, a
radiowave with a specific frequency could be targeted to his microchip. The
chips signal would be routed through a satellite to the computer screen of
police headquarters, where the Princes movements could be followed. He could
actually be located anywhere on the globe.
The mass media have not reported that an implanted person's privacy van-
ishes for the rest of his or her life. S/he can be manipulated in many ways.
Using different frequencies, the secret controller of this equip- ment can
even change a person's emotional life. S/he can be made aggress- ive or
lethargic. Sexuality can be artificially influenced. Thought sig-nals and
subconscious thinking can be read, dreams affected and even induced, all
without the knowledge or consent of the implanted person.
A perfect cyber-soldier can thus be created. This secret technology has
been used by military forces in certain NATO countries since the 1980's
without civilian and academic populations having heard anything about it.
Thus, little information about such invasive mind-control systems is
available in professional and academic journals.
The NSA's Signals Intelligence can remotely monitor information from
human brains by decoding the evoked potentials (3.50HZ, 5 milliwatt) emitted
by the brain. Prisoner experimentees in both Gothenburg, Sweden and Vienna,
Austria have been found to have [missing word] brain lesions. Diminished
blood circulation and lack of oxygen in the right temporal frontal lobes
result where brain implants are usually operative. A Finnish experimentee
experienced brain atrophy and intermittent attacks of unconsciousness due to
lack of oxygen.
Mind control techniques can be used for political purposes. The goal of
mind controllers today is to induce the targeted persons or groups to act
against his or her own convictions and best interests. Zombified individ-uals
can even be programmed to murder and remember nothing of their crime
afterward. Alarming examples of this phenomenon can be found in the U.S.
This silent war is being conducted against unknowing civilians and
sold-iers by military and intelligence agencies. Since 1980 electronic stim-
ulation of the brain (ESB) has been secretly used to control people tar-geted
without their knowledge or consent. All international human rights agreements
forbid nonconsensual manipulation of human beings even in pri-sons, not to
speak of civilian populations. Under an initiative of U.S. Senator John
Glenn, discussions commenced in January 1997 about the dan-gers of radiating
civilian populations. Targeting peoples brain functions with electromagnetic
fields and beams (from helicopters and airplanes, satellites, from parked
white vans, neighboring houses, telephone poles, electrical appliances, mobil
phones, TV, radio, etc.), is part of the radiation problem that should be
addressed in democratically elected government bodies.
In addition to electronic MC, chemical methods have also been developed.
Mind-altering drugs and different smelling gasses affecting brain function
negatively can be injected into air ducts or water pipes. Also, bacteria and
viruses have been tested this way in several countries.
Today's supertechnology, connecting our brain functions via microchips
(or even without them, according to the latest technology) to computers via
satellites in the U.S. or Israel, poses the gravest threat to human-ity. The
latest supercomputers are powerful enough to monitor the whole worlds
population. What will happen when people are tempted by false premises to
allow microchips into their bodies? One lure will be a micro-chip identity
card. Compulsory legislation has even been secretly pro-posed in the U.S. to
criminalize removal of an ID implant.
Are we ready for the robotization of mankind and the total elimination of
privacy, including freedom of thought? How many of us would want to cede our
entire life, including our most secret thoughts, to Big Brother? Yet the
technology exists to create a totalitarian "New World Order."
Covert neurological communication systems are in place to counteract
independent thinking and to control social and political activity on behalf
of self-serving private and military interests.
When our brain functions are already is connected to supercomputers by
means of radio implants and microchips, it will be too late for protest. This
threat can be defeated only by educating the public, using available
literature on biotelemetry and information exchanged at international
One reason this technology has remained a state secret is the widespread
prestige of the psychiatric DIAGNOSTIC STATISTICAL MANUAL IV produced by the
U.S. American Psychiatric Association (APA), and printed in 18 lan-guages.
Psychiatrists working for U.S. intelligence agencies no doubt participated in
writing and revising this manual. This psychiatric "bible" covers
up the secret development of MC technologies by labelling some of their
effects as symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia.
Victims of mind control experimentation are thus routinely diagnosed,
knee-jerk fashion, as mentally ill by doctors who learned the DSM symptom
list in medical school. Physicians have not been schooled that patients may
be telling the truth when they report being targeted against their will or
being used as guinea pigs for electronic, chemical and bacteriological forms
of psychological warfare.
Time is running out for changing the direction of military medicine, and
ensuring the future of human freedom. -- Rauni Kilde, MD December 6, 2000 ___
TORTYR AVSLÖJAD ! ! Av zanning
Utdrag ur artickel
! ! !
Av zanning
Dagens mikrochips fungerar med hjälp av
spårning via låga radiofrekvensvågor. Med hjälp av satelliter, kan den
implanterade personen spåras överallt på jordklotet. Sådan teknik testades på
ett antal personer under Irakkriget, enligt dr Carl Sanders, som uppfann det
biotiska intelligensbemannade gränssnittet (IMI), som injicerades i människor.
(Tidigare under Vietnamkriget, injicerades soldater med Rambo chip, där syftet
var att öka adrenalinflödet i blodomloppet). Den
20-miljard-bit/sekund-superdatorer som US National Security Agency (NSA) ägde,
kunde nu ”se och höra” vad soldaterna erfor på slagfältet, med det
fjärrkontrollerade övervakningssystemet (RMS).
När ett 5-mikromillimeterstort mikrochip
(diametern för ett hårstrå är 50 mikromillimeter) placeras i den optiska nerven
i ögat, drar det neuroimpulser från hjärnan och förkroppsligar upplevelser,
dofter, sevärdheter och läser av den implanterade personen. Sedan överförs all
information och lagras i en dator, som sedan kan återsända dessa neuroimpulser till
den person vars hjärna är mikrochip-implanterad och sedan återuppleva
händelsen. Att använda en RMS, gör att en landbaserad datoroperatör kan skicka
elektromagnetiska meddelanden (kodad som signaler) till nervsystemet, som sedan
påverkar målets prestanda. Med RMS, kan friska personer luras att se
hallucinationer och höra röster i huvudet.
Varje tanke, reaktion, hörsel och
okulärbesiktning orsakar en viss neurologisk potential, eller ”spikar” och
mönster i hjärnan och dess elektromagnetiska fält, som kan nu avkodas till
tankar, bilder och röster. Elektromagnetisk stimulering kan därför ändra en
persons hjärnvågor och påverka muskelaktivitet, orsaka smärtsamma
muskelkramper, vilket upplevs som ren tortyr.
Massmedia har inte rapporterat att en
inopererad persons privatliv försvinner för resten av sitt liv. Hon kan
manipuleras på många sätt. Genom att använda olika frekvenser, kan den hemliga
styrenheten av denna utrustning förändras, trots en människas känsloliv. Hon
kan göras aggressiv eller slö. Sexualiteten kan påverkas artificiellt. Signaler
och omedvetna tankar kan läsas, drömmar påverkas och även framkallas, allt utan
vetskap eller samtycke av den implanterade personen.
En perfekt cyber-soldat kan alltså skapas.
Denna hemliga teknologi har använts av militära
styrkor i vissa NATO-länder sedan 1980-talet utan att civila och akademiska
populationer har hört någonting om det. Således finns väldigt lite information
om sådana invasiva mind-kontrollsystem i professionella och akademiska
Mind-control-tekniker kan användas för
politiska syften. Målet för mind-control-forskare i dag är att förmå berörda
personer eller grupper att agera mot sin egen övertygelse och sitt eget bästa.
Zombifierade individer kan även programmeras att mörda och minns ingenting av
brottet efteråt. Alarmerande exempel på detta kan hittas i USA.
Detta ”tysta krig” förs mot ovetande civila
och soldater via militären och underrättelsetjänsten (SÄPO). Sedan 1980, har elektronisk stimulering av hjärnan (ESB)
i hemlighet använts för att kontrollera människor utan deras vetskap eller
samtycke. Alla internationella överenskommelser om mänskliga rättigheter
förbjuder icke samtyckande manipulering av människor – även i fängelser, för
att inte tala om civilbefolkningen.
Förutom elektronisk MC, har kemiska metoder
också utvecklats. Sinnesförändrande droger och olika luktande gaser som
påverkar hjärnans funktion negativt kan injiceras i luftkanaler eller
vattenrör. Bakterier och virus har också testats på detta sätt i flera länder.
Hemliga neurologiska kommunikationssystem
finns för att motverka självständigt tänkande och bekämpa social och politisk
verksamhet på uppdrag av egennyttiga privata och militära intressen.
En anledning till denna teknik, som har varit
en statshemlighet, är den utbredda och prestigefyllda psykiatriska manualen
Diagnostic Statistical Manual IV som producerats av den amerikanska American
Psychiatric Association (APA) och som tryckts på 18 språk.
Psykiatriker som arbetade för amerikanska
underrättelsetjänster deltog bevisligen vid skrivandet och översynen av
utformningen av denna handbok.
Denna psykiatriska ”bibel” täcker den
hemliga utvecklingen av MC-teknik genom att diagnostisera några av effekterna
(t ex höra röster i huvudet) såsom varande symptom på paranoid schizofreni.
Offer för mind-control-experiment diagnoseras
därför rutinmässigt och ytterst nonchalant som mentalt sjuka av läkare som
enbart lärt sig att diagnostisera via denna DSM-symptom-lista redan på
vårdlinjenivå. Läkarna har inte skolats att patienter kan tala sanning när de
rapporterar att de är påverkade mot deras vilja eller används som
försökskaniner för elektroniska, kemiska och bakteriologiska former av
psykologisk krigföring.
Tiden är knapp för att ändra inriktningen
på den militära medicin, och säkerställa framtiden för mänsklig frihet.
Denna artikel publicerades ursprungligen
vid utgivningen av den 36e upplagan av den finskspråkiga tidskriften
SPEKULA (3e kvartalet 1999). SPEKULA (omsättning 6500) är en publicering av
norra Finland läkarstuderande och läkare vid Uleåborgs universitet OLK (Oulun
Lääketieteellinen Kilta). Den är utskickad till alla medicinstuderande i
Finland och till hela norra Finlands läkare.
Källa: http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/NWO/mic…mind_control.htm
Detta är den mest skrämmande läsning jag
läst på mycket länge. Särskilt som denna artikel skrevs 1999!
Alltså över 11 år sen och vi här i Sverige
har inte fått se den eller hur kan den bara har legat så dold, bortglömd och
Rambo Chip
02 December 2007
Implants, Mind Control and Cybernetics
Mirroring here since Constantine's sourcing
for this seems to have preemptively disappeared even before he posted it.
In 1948 Norbert Weiner published a
book, Cybernetics, defined as a neurological communication and control theory
already in use in small circles at that time. Yoneji Masuda, "Father
of the Information Society," stated his concern in 1980 that our liberty
is threatened Orwellian-style by cybernetic technology totally unknown to most
people. This technology links the brains of people via implanted
microchips to satellites controlled by ground-based supercomputers.
The first brain implants were
surgically inserted in 1974 in the state of Ohio, USA and also in Stockholm,
Sweden. Brain electrodes were inserted into the skulls of babies in 1946
without the knowledge of their parents. In the 1950s and 60s, electrical
implants were inserted into the brains of animals and humans, especially in the
U.S., during research into behavior modification, and brain and body
functioning. Mind control (MC) methods were used in attempts to change human
behavior and attitudes. Influencing brain functions became an important goal of
military and intelligence services.
Thirty years ago brain implants
showed up in X-rays the size of one centimeter. Subsequent implants shrunk to
the size of a grain of rice. They were made of silicon, later still of gallium
arsenide. Today they are small enough to be inserted into the neck or back, and
also intravenously in different parts of the body during surgical operations,
with or without the consent of the subject. It is now almost impossible
to detect or remove them.
It is technically possible for
every newborn to be injected with a microchip, which could then function to
identify the person for the rest of his or her life. Such plans are secretly
being discussed in the U.S. without any public airing of the privacy issues
involved. In Sweden, Prime Minister Olof Palme gave permission in 1973 to
implant prisoners, and Data Inspection's ex-Director General Jan Freese
revealed that nursing-home patients were implanted in the mid-1980s. The technology
is revealed in the 1972:47 Swedish state report, Statens Officiella Utradninger
Implanted human beings can be
followed anywhere. Their brain functions can be remotely monitored by
supercomputers and even altered through the changing of frequencies. Guinea
pigs in secret experiments have included prisoners, soldiers, mental patients,
handicapped children, deaf and blind people, homosexuals, single women, the
elderly, school children, and any group of people considered
"marginal" by the elite experimenters. The published
experiences of prisoners in Utah State Prison, for example, are shocking to the
Today's microchips operate by means
of low-frequency radio waves that target them. With the help of
satellites, the implanted person can be tracked anywhere on the globe.
Such a technique was among a number tested in the Iraq war, according to Dr.
Carl Sanders, who invented the intelligence-manned interface (IMI) biotic,
which is injected into people. (Earlier during the Vietnam War, soldiers
were injected with the Rambo chip, designed to increase adrenaline flow into
the bloodstream.) The 20-billion-bit/second supercomputers at the U.S.
National Security Agency (NSA) could now "see and hear" what soldiers
experience in the battlefield with a remote monitoring system (RMS).
When a 5-micromillimeter microchip
(the diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillimeters) is placed into
optical nerve of the eye, it draws neuroimpulses from the brain that embody the
experiences, smells, sights, and voice of the implanted person. Once
transferred and stored in a computer, these neuroimpulses can be projected back
to the person’s brain via the microchip to be reexperienced. Using a RMS,
a land-based computer operator can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as
signals) to the nervous system, affecting the target's performance. With
RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see hallucinations and to hear voices in
their heads.
Every thought, reaction, hearing,
and visual observation causes a certain neurological potential, spikes, and
patterns in the brain and its electromagnetic fields, which can now be decoded
into thoughts, pictures, and voices. Electromagnetic stimulation can
therefore change a person's brainwaves and affect muscular activity, causing
painful muscular cramps experienced as torture.
The NSA's electronic surveillance
system can simultaneously follow and handle millions of people. Each of
us has a unique bioelectrical resonance frequency in the brain, just as we have
unique fingerprints. With electromagnetic frequency (EMF) brain
stimulation fully coded, pulsating electromagnetic signals can be sent to the
brain, causing the desired voice and visual effects to be experienced by the
target. This is a form of electronic warfare. U.S. astronauts were
implanted before they were sent into space so their thoughts could be followed
and all their emotions could be registered 24 hours a day.
The Washington Post reported in May
1995 that Prince William of Great Britain was implanted at the age of 12.
Thus, if he were ever kidnapped, a radio wave with a specific frequency could
be targeted to his microchip. The chip’s signal would be routed through a
satellite to the computer screen of police headquarters, where the Prince’s movements
could be followed. He could actually be located anywhere on the globe.
The mass media has not reported
that an implanted person's privacy vanishes for the rest of his or her
life. S/he can be manipulated in many ways. Using different
frequencies, the secret controller of this equipment can even change a person's
emotional life. S/he can be made aggressive or lethargic. Sexuality
can be artificially influenced. Thought signals and subconscious thinking
can be read, dreams affected and even induced, all without the knowledge or
consent of the implanted person.
A perfect cyber-soldier can thus be
created. This secret technology has been used by military forces in
certain NATO countries since the 1980s without civilian and academic
populations having heard anything about it. Thus, little information
about such invasive mind-control systems is available in professional and
academic journals.
The NSA's Signals Intelligence
group can remotely monitor information from human brains by decoding the evoked
potentials (3.50HZ, 5 milliwatt) emitted by the brain. Prisoner
experimentees in both Gothenburg, Sweden and Vienna, Austria have been found to
have evident brain lesions. Diminished blood circulation and lack of
oxygen in the right temporal frontal lobes result where brain implants are
usually operative. A Finnish experimentee experienced brain atrophy and
intermittent attacks of unconsciousness due to lack of oxygen.
Mind control techniques can be used
for political purposes. The goal of mind controllers today is to induce
the targeted persons or groups to act against his or her own convictions and
best interests. Zombified individuals can even be programmed to murder
and remember nothing of their crime afterward. Alarming examples of this
phenomenon can be found in the U.S.
This “silent war” is being
conducted against unknowing civilians and soldiers by military and intelligence
agencies. Since 1980, electronic stimulation of the brain (ESB) has been
secretly used to control people targeted without their knowledge or
consent. All international human rights agreements forbid nonconsensual
manipulation of human beings — even in prisons, not to speak of civilian
Under an initiative of U.S. Senator
John Glenn, discussions commenced in January 1997 about the dangers of
radiating civilian populations. Targeting people’s brain functions with
electromagnetic fields and beams (from helicopters and airplanes, satellites,
from parked vans, neighboring houses, telephone poles, electrical appliances, mobile
phones, TV, radio, etc.) is part of the radiation problem that should be
addressed in democratically elected government bodies.
In addition to electronic MC,
chemical methods have also been developed. Mind-altering drugs and
different smelling gasses affecting brain function negatively can be injected
into air ducts or water pipes. Bacteria and viruses have also been tested
this way in several countries.
Today's supertechnology, connecting
our brain functions via microchips (or even without them, according to the
latest technology) to computers via satellites in the U.S. or Israel, poses the
gravest threat to humanity. The latest supercomputers are powerful enough
to monitor the whole world’s population. What will happen when people are
tempted by false premises to allow microchips into their bodies? One lure
will be a microchip identity card. Compulsory legislation has even been
secretly proposed in the U.S. to criminalize removal of an ID implant.
Are we ready for the robotization
of mankind and the total elimination of privacy, including freedom of
thought? How many of us would want to cede our entire life, including our
most secret thoughts, to Big Brother? Yet the technology exists to create
a totalitarian New World Order. Covert neurological communication systems
are in place to counteract independent thinking and to control social and
political activity on behalf of self-serving private and military interests.
When our brain functions are
already connected to supercomputers by means of radio implants and microchips,
it will be too late for protest. This threat can be defeated only by
educating the public, using available literature on biotelemetry and
information exchanged at international congresses.
One reason this technology has
remained a state secret is the widespread prestige of the psychiatric
Diagnostic Statistical Manual IV produced by the U.S. American Psychiatric
Association (APA) and printed in 18 languages. Psychiatrists working for
U.S. intelligence agencies no doubt participated in writing and revising this
manual. This psychiatric "bible" covers up the secret
development of MC technologies by labeling some of their effects as symptoms of
paranoid schizophrenia.
Victims of mind control
experimentation are thus routinely diagnosed, knee-jerk fashion, as mentally
ill by doctors who learned the DSM “symptom” list in medical school.
Physicians have not been schooled that patients may be telling the truth when
they report being targeted against their will or being used as guinea pigs for
electronic, chemical and bacteriological forms of psychological warfare.
Time is running out for changing
the direction of military medicine, and ensuring the future of human freedom.
This article was originally
published in the 36th-year edition of the Finnish-language journal SPEKULA (3rd
Quarter, 1999). SPEKULA (circulation 6500) is a publication of Northern
Finland medical students and doctors of Oulu University OLK (Oulun
Laaketieteellinen Kilta). It is mailed to all medical students of Finland
and all Northern Finland medical doctors.
By Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD
Former Chief Medical Officer of
December 6, 2000
by ce399 on
02 December 2007 at 00:07 in American
Psychiatric Association, Cyber Soldiers, Dr. Carl
Sanders, Electronic
Stimulation of the Brain (ESB), Intelligence-Manned
Interface (IMI) , Jan Freese, John Glenn, MK-ULTRA, Norbert Weiner , NSA, Olof Palme, Oulu
University OLK, Rambo Chip, Remote
Neural Monitoring, SPEKULA, Statens Officiella Utradninger (SOU), Transhumanism, Yoneji
Masuda | Permalink | Comments
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